Makenzi Rae

Friday, September 5, 2008

I am a MOMMY!!!

So as you can see I finally had my beautiful baby girl! Makenzi Rae is her name. She is a little spit fire that knows what she wants and when she wants it! She came out with dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Thank the heaven she did not get my skin. She has an olive tone to her so thank you grandpa McCoy for that!
She was 6 lbs 11 oz when she was born, and a long one at 20 inches. Since then at her two month mark she is 9 lbs 5 oz and grew 2 1/2 inches!
Being a mom ROCKS! I love her to death! She is now smiling all day long and we have gotten her to laugh a few times! That to me is the most beautifl sound in the entire world! She is now able to hold her head up at tummy time. I can;t believe how much she is changing everyday!
I am going back to work full time this month. Great news is that I am able to take her with me!!!! THe scary news is that I am a nanny for a set of twins! So three new born babies!! It will be crazy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Get this baby out!!!!!

So we all know that the end of a pregnancy is hard. I underestimated it! Not so much the pain, but I just want this baby out so bad I can hardly stand it! I am dialated to a 3 and have been for a week! The doctor keeps saying any day, but Makenzi has plans of her own! We think that she is waiting patiently for her Grandma's to get here. I on the other hand pray ever day not to go crazy and to be patient. =)
Beau and I have been trying to get some last minute hang out time before she comes. We went with some friends from his work out to Paradocks, it is dinner/bar so everyone stays happy. There is another pregnant girl there si we talked about babies the entire time while Beau danced like a crazy man. We also went to dinner with some friends of ours(Nick and Elle) They are a blast we went to this really cool japanese restaurant. It was awesome they cook the food right in front of you, and light some onions on fire, and a bunch of other cool stuff. Oh ya and the food was amazing!
I will post again when I get some dang baby pictures.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Brenna is married!!!!
We went up to DC for Brenna's wedding it was great. We picked Makala up and dressed her all up. After the cermony we all went out to Olive Garden, we had a blast just talkin and hanging out!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

This is my very first blog!!!! I am so excited to learn how to get better! =)

Baby Shower